We Remind All Clients

All clients have an AGENT or distributor. Your agent is the person you pay your bill to and the one responsible for your support and services.

Contact Support

At Your Provider Resources, we prioritize your privacy and the security of our network. For this reason, we do not provide direct contact details on our website.

To get assistance:

Important Rules and Guidelines

Account Sharing: Account sharing is not allowed on our network. All accounts are locked to watch live content on a single IP address only, unless multi-location is enabled.

Privacy: Posting about our network online is strictly prohibited. You should never discuss the details in any public forum, social media, or groups. You should only ever communicate with your agent about problems. Reporting issues to Facebook groups or other public forums will only cause problems. Our network should be kept private.

Security: Never post your Mac Code, Username, or Password anywhere. You wouldn't give a bad actor your house keys, so don't give them access to our network either! Just as you wouldn't hand over your front door key to a stranger, you should never share your login credentials. Keeping this information secure is essential for protecting your access and our network.

Recommendations: We work on recommendations. No recommendations, no membership. People who breach the small few rules we have will be refunded and removed from the network.

Patience with Support: Always be patient when contacting your agent. Everyone is in different time zones; they could be on vacation or swamped if there is a problem. Just remember they are only human and don't have a call center with hundreds of staff.

Why We Don't Share Contact Information

Our decision to withhold direct contact information is guided by the following principles:

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and secure environment for everyone.